Cheese Slice Line Automation

High Speed
Accumulation systems are key to high speed slice cheese packaging. These buffer systems accumulate product then deliver it to the flow wrapper at a steady rate eliminating the pause created when a slicer is reloaded. Higher total line speeds can be achieved when the flow wrapper is running at a consistent and optimal rate. The continuous operation also reduces many of the problems of package seal integrity.

Semi-Automatic Rework
The semi-automatic rework section is an elegant solution to assist with the handling of underweight sliced cheese portions. Off weight portions are diverted to the rework section where an operator has an opportunity to add slices back to the portion. Once legal weight has been achieved, the portion is reintroduced into the buffer automatically. This system saves a tremendous amount of time and handling.

Specialty Functions
Marchant Schmidt offers maximum flexibility when processing sliced cheese with our specialty function modules. Cheese converters often request stack turning to orient interleave paper toward the zipper. Other considerations such as twin stack, triple stack, and even automatic multi cheese combination pack are available to reduce handling and increase speed.
To discuss your cheese slice line automation challenges, contact Marchant Schmidt today to speak to one of their representatives.